Thursday, September 6, 2007


Today is a little more leisurely oriented. I had early morning task to attended to but here I am, actually taking a water break, rather than the caffeinated breaks I favor.

So, I guess this post will be about the leisure time of a hypnotist. I was discussing busy days with another hypnotist and he mentioned that he tends to schedule in four meditation breaks per day during office hours. It is how he rejuvenates.

I tend to try to put an hour between all sessions. It gives me time in case I run over a bit on a client, and time to clear my mind and start fresh for the next. This means my client load is less, but I feel much saner and effective than I would cranking people through. Though I know this is not necessarily the favored method of those trying to make high figure incomes.

When I first started out, I would find myself drained after doing a session, but as time has progressed, I find I often have more energy after working with certain clients. There are still some clients that can be a little tiring, usually the ones where rapport does not come naturally and I have to really work at creating a comfortable and trusting environment. These are the clients where the hour in between really pays off. I can take a short walk (to a coffee shop) and I do self-hypnosis on the way, clearing my head and just being an observer of my surroundings. I guess you could call this a walking meditation. By the time I have my coffee (or cafe au lait for the very difficult times) and am back at the office, unlocking the door, it feels like I am starting fresh.

How about you? Do you have ways in which you regroup between sessions or work?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also remember being thoroughly drained by a session with a client when I first started out. By the end of the day I was virtually catatonic and carefully planned my free time around having space to clear my head after those days.

Now I'm a lot better, and as you say, there are clients that energise you. I book my diary in hour sessions, even though each one actually only takes about 45 minutes. This gives me time to run-over if I need to, plus a few moments to clear my head and recharge before the next session.

But I only book a maximum of 5 clients in per day. I've found that's my tolerance level. More than that has a negative impact on my health.

It's not the way to make oodles of money, but I believe it does mean you can ensure a longer career and less likelihood of burn-out.