Sunday, November 11, 2007

Stepping into the Mist

The script goes something like this:

You are now entering the mist, perhaps it is blue or white, but it could be any color you prefer, as long as it is a good color, a color that allows you to feel comforted, nurtured. This is a good mist, a timeless place where you can go to heal and revive. The mist is a healing mist.

And there I am, floating in this place of timelessness, resting, peaceful. In some aspects, I wish I could stay here indefinitely. No cares. No worries. Perhaps a uroboric time or perhaps a time of true connectedness with the great and powerful All. Maybe it is nothing.

This is the starting point of an inner journey of self-exploration within certain hypnotic philosophies (read regression). And when guided, one emerges for this powerful mist into awaiting clarity.

For me the mist has always been a mystical concept. When I was a teenager, I remember being driven through the rocky, coastal areas into a misty landscape, and I always had the secret hope that once we cleared the mist, we would be in some wonderful, historic place. Mist as a mode of time travel. It never scared me. Rather, I would occasionally long to be wrapped in its comforting oblivion and hopefulness.

But here we are, ripped from these comforting, tranquil moments of contemplation into a nightmare. Thank you very much, Hollywood, we now get to witness The Mist by Stephen King. Perhaps not as dreadful as the imagination can make it with the words of his written story, the horror of the unknown is about to be unleashed (once again) on the big screen.

But, many of you are aware, I am a horror junky, so this will probably not escape me. The basic plot is that a group of townspeople are all trapped in a supermarket by a strange and enveloping mist. This mist is not healing. It is a mist that cloaks horrible creatures and brings about certain death. Though very much in the horror genre, this could also be a psychological thriller. It shows the depravity that can occur in time of torture and tragedy; the insanity of fear and how it can strip away the layers of controlled consciousness, and release the beast within us all.

I suppose this mist does a similar thing to my therapeutic mist. It does show other consciousness depths, but not in a pleasant way. It stares our natural fears in the face, but shows what can happen if we let the fear get the better of us. This too, perhaps, is a learning experience of the loss of self-control and fearal aftermath.

If you want to begin the visualization process, do check out the web site and the trailers. It is a nice use of Flash. Oh, and the movie comes out on November 21.

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