Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Truth

Sometimes I wake up in the morning with a song running through my brain. Today it is something else; it it a phrase that keeps repeating itself.

The truth will set you free.
Very rarely do I have biblical quotes that haunt me, but today it is this one. I have no clue why it is there, but it is.

So, yes, the faithful cup of tea is in my hand, and I am pondering it.

I have been doing some regression work with clients, which is why I think this phrase is coming to mind. And being from the school of thought that believes that the client must come to his or her own conclusions, make their own connections for it to be helpful, there are times when I just have to clamp my mouth shut and sit on my hands. It takes everything not to jump up in the chair and say "don't you see it? It's right there in front of you." So, then I try to ask questions that will bring them to the point (without leading questions).

Well, luckily I do this because the other day when working with someone I know fairly well, this occurred. This person is trying to make some life changing decisions. With everything that he had said, I thought I knew the conclusion he was going to make. IT WAS SO OBVIOUS. But I kept my mouth shut and continued asking him questions about how the experience correlated to his present situation.

And shut me up, blow me down, what he came up with was so beyond my vision or awareness, I was dumbstruck. His answers were profoundly insightful. But it is the case as James Garfield once said:
The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.
And I think this is the crux of the matter. The truth is always there, but sometimes it is so hard to live by the knowledge, to live honestly. I suspect if we all lived honest lives, in that we live the way we really want too or should, life would probably cease to function, sort of like the impossible Utopian world idea.

To do what would set us free is to take a risk, to potentially give up the comfort zones we have created in mediocrity. And so then is it not fear that stops us in our tracks?

But I am ever optimistic (most days, though I have been a bit grumbly this week). I think if one learns "one's truth," it can take hold like a root, and growth happens, perhaps slow and imperceptible, but it is there doing its thing until something fabulous blossoms.

Now you have read my ramblings, feel free to do the same.

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