Saturday, June 30, 2007

Hypnos - Fit for a Queen

Better late than never, I suppose! There has been much to my day already and now I am so ready to curl up in bed and sleep! So, there, that will be the subject of today's trivial Hypno reference.

Did you know that the British Royalty have put their stamp on a bed company called Hypnos. They say the company is named after the Greek God of sleep, but I think it is fitting for a mention here.

After sleeping on an old mattress set for awhile now, a Hypnos sounds wonderful! And with that, I'm off to dream land. (Yes, I know it is still early...).

Anyone out there have one of these beds?

Friday, June 29, 2007

Educational Anxiety

Have you ever worked with a client in regards to school/educational related anxieties? Recently I had a young lady in for a consultation over her extreme anxiety with test taking. To be specific, the anxiety is over an upcoming verbal French exam and there seem to be several fears rapped around this one area including fear of public speaking, a fear of exposing her 'lisp,' a fear of not remembering the pronunciation of words, and a dislike of the teacher. This is her second attempt with French, as she failed it once.

Interestingly enough, this client is actually fluent in French, Cajun French. Her family primarily still communicates using that dialect. Her teacher feels that she needs to know "real" French (though from what I understand this woman has never been to a French speaking area of any sort). So, apparently whenever my client pronounces something with her Cajun ways or even due to a small lisp, her teacher marks her down.

The client is the type who does fairly well in her studies, mostly high marks, except for this.

But here's what is really bothering me this morning. I started thinking about the idea of grading and how perhaps it really interferes with the learning process, true learning. I suspect grading is supposed to be about letting the student know where one is in the comprehension of a certain subject. But it seems as though it has become something of a monster now. It becomes a self-esteem issue because if one doe not do well, then one may be looked down upon if one does not make the grade. Who cares about the subject as long as it appears that you were on the high end of the grading scale?

I am proud to say that I could not comprehend Calculus when I was 16. Nor do I understand it 20 years later. With a lot of tutelage at the time, I passed it, but with no more comprehension then I had when I began. I was successful because I passed, when in reality the system failed me because it made no sense. At the time all I cared about was getting a passing grade. And now I wonder what I really missed?

So, here is this young woman who is interested in the subject as it is a part of her life, but all she has gained from this class is acute anxiety over passing. Her confidence has been shaken. And for what? A silly mark on a piece of paper that is inaccurate.

There, I've said my peace.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Right Stuff

In an email yesterday, I was asked very discreetly (and thank you for that) if I was perhaps providing my clients with leading questions that would provoke a "right" answer. This is a really good question and is definitely worth dedicating a few words to it.

During the beginning process of getting to know clients, many hypnotists utilize test before actually doing an induction to get a feel for how clients process information. There are some hypnotist who do not do this, but I am one who does. As a client, one should always give a natural response to these even though it might be possible to intuit a supposed outcome. There are no right and wrong answers and hopefully the hypnotist will explain this. This testing can be anything from suggesting that the one's clenched hands are "stuck like glue" to seeing the reaction one has to the idea of sucking on a lemon.

During the session, the hypnotist should make it a habit to ask open-ended questions, knowing it is more important for clients to see personal patterns themselves and to also avoid the creation of false memories. Asking the who, how, what, where and when are great questions.

My advice to clients is to be as honest as possible for their own benefit. It does the hypnotist no good nor bad to hear an untruth that may get in the way of what they, the clients are wanting to accomplish.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

What is the "right" response?

Good morning (or whatever time of day that you are reading this)!

Yesterday, I posted about a client with a certain itch. I had actually meant to talk about something else, but got sidetracked on the details of setting it up.

The client had mentioned that after several times of being hypnotized, she didn't feel she could "go deep enough" for suggestions not to itch. She clarified that she felt she was trying too hard or trying to give me the "right" answers. Interesting. She even admitted to remembering my words that the "right" response is her natural response.

Interestingly enough, in my client notes it mentions that she is the type of person that follows instructions to the letter, and that she was/is an overachiever (her words). In giving me the "right" answer, she said she was just following my directions on concepts such as try to open your eyes, but you cannot. So, she didn't - open her eyes. My response to this was, if she felt like she was following my instructions to the letter, did she really? If so, what happened to the instruction "try"?

She thought for a moment and said, "But I wasn't supposed to open my eyes."

No. You were suppose to "try." But after thinking about this for a few moments, it occurred to me that this was her natural response. She had spent her life working on achieving the "right" response. It was natural for her to not open her eyes, to give a projected outcome. Hence, perhaps why the hypnosis has also worked for her. She knows what the outcome is supposed to be, therefore believes she must achieve it.

It also occurred to me that perhaps she was talking herself out of our past hypnotic work. If she was then thinking she wasn't deep enough because she was too busy giving me the "right" answers, she could give up the responsibilities of creating her own change. How handy.

So, we had the discussion about the "right" answers and I explained my theory that she did give me the "right" natural response. This seems to be going well, as we continue to work on more self-hypnosis concepts.

But what I learned is that the "right"response is the natural response, even for those who are trying to give you the project outcome they think you want. It doesn't mean the hypnosis won't work, it just means that they react to instruction differently than those who follow each step without the projected outcome.

Monday, June 25, 2007

An Itch

Back with another cup of coffee, but I am being bad. I have left over whipping cream that is adding a lovely enhancement to the oridnary blackness of the beverage. You really should try it. It is especially nice on a muggy Monday morning.

Recently, I worked with a client on a series of different objectives. One day she stopped by the office (she checks in) and was suffering from a bug bite. It was itching her and though she had seen a doctor about it, it was taking some time to get the prescription in for her relief. Apparently, it was a maddening sort of irritation. I offered to do a rapid induction for itch relief until she had the medication in hand.

She surprised me when she said that she felt she does not go deep enough into hypnosis for this sort of thing. So, I did not press it other than just offering it (and doing it as a courtesy for her continued support as a client). She kept itching, yet stayed quite a while longer finishing her cup of tea. Then right before leaving she said the hypnosis for the itching would be worth a try.

I did a rapid, eye fixation induction, gave her a few quick suggestions about her body creating natural itch relief until she was able to get her medicine, at which time the itch would heal quickly. (She insisted on the medicine being incorporated). It took less then five minutes. She stayed a while longer, not itching at all.

It was one of those "gift" moments, not so much for her, but for me. If none of this had come to pass, she might not have ever mentioned "not going deep enough." There is more to be said on that, but that part will have to wait until tomorrow, as today's work calls me out of my blogger bliss. However, I will leave you with this. The "gift" moment was that she has no problem with trance depth now.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Question - Same As Before

I'm still fixated on yesterday's theme. Yep, that's right, non-verbal inductions.

Paul has a lovely story about how he met his wife that deals with written hypnosis (did I get that right, Paul? ), so this seem like a pretty interesting topic.

For those who are new to hypnosis or are clients, an induction is part of the hypnotic process, where the person being hypnotized either seriously relaxes or is given a task to engage the mind so that suggestions, regressions, parts therapy, etc. can proceed.

The most I can say about non-verbal induction techniques is that I have only ever tried the famous handshake. I am definitely a verbal girl (some would say I never got over the sound of my own voice, lol). Anyway, I had read about this induction and mentioned it to a client. He was curious to try it. Up to that point, I had just said there was a way to hypnotize a person just by shaking their hand. So, I did the induction and was totally surprised to find that he instantly reacted to it in a positive way. He went completely limp and responded to a post hypnotic suggestion afterwards. Pretty amazing.

So, that's it folks. I would love to hear about your experiences with non-verbal inductions.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Illusionist

Well it is Saturday again. I have noticed in the forums there is always talk of stage hypnotism and such, so I thought I would use that as a basis for this post.

The Illusionist was the main feature on my personal movie screen this week. I am a little late in seeing it, but wanted to hold onto my love of The Prestige for a while (which is definitely a favorite). And was correct to wait, for The Illusionist has won my heart.

But I digress. Without giving anything away, if you have not seen it, there was a brilliant scene that may have involved hypnosis-like staging. Eisenheim, our protagonist, did a stage show, where he brought up a volunteer from the audience. He instructed her to look directly into his eyes, did a very graceful hand wave in front of her, and seemed to entrance her.

Has anyone of you seen this? It was a beautiful bit of grace and technique, but first (and foremost), in this scene, is this a demonstration of the non-speaking direct-eye-contact induction? If so, how does one do this? And probably less important (but I am still curious), what did hypnotizing the volunteer have to do with the illusion (just to make it more intense?)?

Friday, June 22, 2007

This Relationship

He remembered that I went on retreat and asked about it.

This seems some what inane, I am sure, but when you are typically the person who is supposed to remember what is going on in his life (mainly because it is your job, mostly because you do care), when he remembers something about your life, it's like the odd smile from a stranger that brightens the day.

This relationship we have with clients is an interesting one. They walk in and out of our lives, often without us ever knowing how their story ends. And as I sit across from them, drinking my tea, ever working the rapport, for those hours, I forget they will walk out my door. They lay out their lives, sometimes neatly, sometimes in a heap as if it were dirty laundry. They share their hopes, their dreams, their anxiety, and fears. I forget that I have not been a part of their lives until this moment. Rather I wade in, allowing their scenarios to wrap around me, enveloping me (at least I always hope), until we get to a point where they are comfortable and I am understanding, compassionate, separating myself from any presupposed judgments and selfishness. It is not my place. And one might think it would be easy to get lost in all this, but it is not. Perhaps I do leave a part of me with them, but they to leave part of themselves with me.

This relationship is odd. I forget that I will not hear about the Little League Championship, nor the sister's thrown-together-wedding in Spain, nor if he got that job at the zoo. For a few moments, I forget that they are not old friends. I forget that I am just providing a professional service.

But this is alright because I am providing a professional service. And some will check in, some will not. Some will come back. Some will refer others. Some will be forever gone.

So, when he asked me about my retreat, it was a sort of startling moment. He remembered! And I thought, how odd, this relationship of ours...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

So Deep

I tried it out yesterday, a deepener without numbers. In fact, I avoided numbers totally, even in the awakener. And really, I cannot thank all of you enough for your advice. My client loved it. He even experienced an amnesic state, which has only happened one or two other times.

Since you shared with me, I will with you. I played off the idea of colors getting deeper and darker, using the theme of the late afternoon sun setting into a comfortable darkness (I gave the option for a light source if it made him feel more relaxed). So as the sun set, I suggested that he become more and more relaxed, etc. When it came time to help him return to normal consciousness, I used the imagery of the sun rising. As the light became brighter in description, he slowly returned to normal consciousness.

This actually seems effective because my office is fairly bright with sunlight. So this really plays to the reality for a while.

This was one of those things that turned out to be a great gift. It pulled me out of a rut, helped me learn more, and it feels really good that my client was able to tell me what he needed (in a way that I could hear and understand) so he could allow himself to go deeper into the hypnotic experience.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Question from the Deep

Thanks to you who answered my call for non-counting deepeners. If you haven't read the responses I received from this, you can check them out from my Monday blog entry.

Both deepeners that were mentioned employ the use of color changes (which I really like). My question now is: will these work for people who do not easily visualize?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Places of Energy

As you may know, I have just read The Celestine Prophecy (finished it last night) during my latest retreat. For the record, I really enjoyed it and think the message, though fiction, is profound.

After reading the section about certain areas having more energy than others, my thoughts began to harbor around the first "floater" migraine I experienced. I had been hiking through a virgin forest at the time and noticed floating amoebas inhibiting my sight. Amazingly enough I made it off the trail safely (miraculously avoiding stepping on a snake on the trail). And yes, for all those concerned, I did see a doctor and had a brain scan. They found nothing and diagnosed me with hormonal migraines.

But after reading the section about places having more energy, especially virgin forest, it made me wonder if there might be a correlation between my headaches and the energy. I also used to get headaches when I coming back to normal consciousness from experiencing hypnosis. Since then I have learned to ask for suggestions at the end for returning to normal consciousness with no head pain. That seems to help. I also used to get headaches when I would facilitate hypnosis in various people (usually those who had greater amounts of success with the hypnosis process). For this, before I go into a session I meditate and do self-hypnosis to keep my mind free of pain during the session. Has anyone else experienced this?

So, I have begun to wonder if my head pains have anything to do with Energy. Perhaps I am sensitive to it in a way that causes the pain? I have been told by energy workers that I need to not give so much of my energy to others or let it be taken from me.

Anyway, these are the thoughts of the day.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Part of today's work will involve working on the creation of a deepener that does not involve numbers what so ever. I guess I have fallen into the rut of using countdowns (stairways, elevators, steps forward) when deepening. So this is a challenge for me. I have a particular client who sees me monthly for relaxation. He is visual in the sense that he has a photographic memory. However, visualizing descriptions I give him is not his strong point (he's more toward the end of analytic). He was doing well with countdowns and eye fixation, but now he tells me he has tired of all that. He works with numbers all day in his job and says that now when I utilize numbers at all, it just makes him think about his work.

Any thoughts out there on other deepeners?

Sunday, June 17, 2007

That First Post Hypnotic Suggestion

It's a peaceful morning here in my coffee cyberville. Suitcases and such still adorn the floor as the reality of this time and place seep into consciousness.

Have you all had a good week? I had a very enjoyable one that I will probably talk about later. Today I believe I will continue the Sunday tradition of asking a question (looks the the Google hypnosis forum needs something new to talk about).

When I was here last, Bhumi had asked about post hypnotic suggestions, so I'll pick up there. Here's the question:

What was the first post hypnotic suggestion you utilized with someone and how did it work out?

Mine was the usual "take the number six away." The person I was working with was an accountant, and sure enough while in the midst of our session, she "lost" the number six when counting down and back. The suggestion I gave was that her counting would remain without the six until I snapped my fingers twice. Well, the session concluded and I forgot about the post hypnotic suggestion until she was about to leave. Her car was pulling out of the driveway and I went racing after her.

When she stopped, I asked her to count down for me. Not only did she "lose the six" but she counted in the same rhythm pattern and voice inflections I had used. I snapped my fingers twice and she looked startled. Then I had her count again and she realized what had happened - and laughed.

So, your turn. Please share.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Off to the Wilds

Well, I'm off again into the wild, blue yonder. Yes, I know, it seems as though I just got back from the last retreat, but call it a restlessness of the soul that keeps me wandering. LOL. I'm hoping to continue morning coffee or tea with you, but again, I'm not sure about what sort of internet access I will have. But, I'm sure I will check in when I can (after all the laptop does make for a good companion), so please continue to post and I'll moderate when I can. Plus, I will miss you terribly if you don't.

And to leave you with a few thoughts, and a potential 'nother book discussion as I just started The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield (I know, I know I'm behind the times on best sellers), I found a quote from his introduction that speaks volumes to something about which I have been thinking. It's the idea that emotions may be contagious, mental germs that spread like illness. It's all over the forums, and I don't know about you, but when I go through a spell of reading negative post, after negative post, well, it can really bring a person down (or inspire retaliation, rebuttals, and so on). I notice this happens in civic groups in which I belong. But then to not completely focus on negatives, good emotions do the same. On said forums, they inspire thought and camaraderie. So, before I digress even more, I'll just give you the quote:

If it touches you, if it crystallizes something that you perceive in life, then pass on what you see to another - for I think our new awareness of the spiritual is expanding in exactly this way, no longer through hype nor fad, but personally, through a kind of positive psychological contagion among people.

Friday, June 8, 2007

The Post Hypnotic Suggestion

A friend, who is learning about hypnosis and has started a dialogue with me, has asked me to explain how to give a post hypnotic suggestion when hypnotizing someone and asks what the results would be when finished with hypnosis session. This is a wonderful question that I thought was worth putting on the blog because all of you who read this and respond do so in a such an understandable way that I figure between all of us, we could answer this question.

There are several ways to answer this question depending on one's views about post hypnotic suggestion. There is the direct route of traditional hypnosis and then there are differing opinions on that such as the Milton Model (which is what NLP is based upon). In clinical hypnosis, they are suggestions to help modify certain behaviors over a long period of time. There are also suggestions that are meant to be "triggered" with a certain word or action. The direct route is basically when you as the hypnotist believe the person you are hypnotizing is ready to receive the post hypnotic suggestion (after the induction and a deepener, perhaps some level testing), you give the post hypnotic suggestion. So, the question of "How" is not such a simple question.

Post hypnotic suggestions are usually fairly short and simple, have a time element involved (whenever I say the word "home," you stomp your right foot once), and a trigger ("home"). Many people also put in wording that will bring the person being hypnotized out of the reaction. You may tell them that you will snap your fingers twice and they no longer stamp their foot when you say "home."

Depending in the person you are hypnotizing, this post hypnotic suggestion may be accepted and you can trigger it after the session. This suggestion may last a long time or it may fade in a few hours.

Okay, there's more to it, so if any of you other hypnotist wants to add or explain something more, please do. And if anyone has anymore questions or seeks clarityon this, post those as well.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

A Positive Thought

Every now and then, it feels as though negativity abounds and we all can use a charge of something positive.

Today I received Marilyn Gordon's newsletter and decided to quote from it:

If you have old pictures (in) your mind of someone doing something to you, take another look, and if you like, you may want to travel to the core of love in everything in the universe. Let the picture melt away, and come back to the love. This is how you can have a happy mind and happy life, and you can go beyond all you thought was real - into the true reality of ultimate wisdom and love.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Just a Quick Bit of the Silliness for a Wednesday

Only 12 people can read this

Body: cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.

The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs rpsoet it.


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Past

A few weeks ago, I blogged a post by Frank Munkle about a regression he did. Micheal and I had an on going email about it, of which I thought might be interesting to post (with his permission).

He wrote:

The regression story was interesting but I found it a little unsettling
and wondered what your view might be. Admittedly, I'm in the camp that
really does not believe in the whole past life thing but I'm willing to
suspend that and use the concept if a client brings it with them. K's
story of being drowned and eaten by fish pretty much has to be an
invention of her subconscious because in nature, fish are not
experimental gourmands. A sinking human body is an obstacle to avoid,
or a piece of flotsam to ignore, or just maybe a potential predator to
flee from -- anything but lunch. Even the scavengers will tend to stay
away until it sinks to the bottom and is obviously helpless. But if the
image allows K to get past her aversion to fish and makes her happier,
it's harmless. Right?

Or is it? In that same story, we find out, the local official who had K
murdered is now reincarnated as her brother. What does that mean for
K's current relationship with that brother? Is the brother's role in
the story a reflection of an existing problem, or has K now invented a
reason to distance herself from a family member? That's the kind of
thing that worries me about PLR.
My response:

When I took a certification course with NGH, part of it was about regression, of which, yes, I am very interested. It amazes me what the mind can recall when regressed (and I have found a lot of missing car keys, books, and jewelry with it). The interesting thing about this course was that it gave one formula for past life regression, with no regard of giving the participant anything more than a window-shopping experience. It also could very much offend one's sense of beliefs (needing to meet a spirit guide for protection, etc.). I had several clients early on who wanted to experience past life regression, so I would modify the technique, avoiding the spirit guide. The thing is they seemed most unsatisfied. It answered nothing really....and I think those who want it done are looking for a lot more. I say all this because I think a lot hypnotists offer this sort of thing, a window-shopping experience, when the client really has a notion to purchase something.

So, I began reading Brian Weiss and studied with Henry Bolduc, among others. What I learned from them was how to help people connect the dots, find patterns within themselves, and most importantly guided them in realms of acceptance and forgiveness (self and otherwise). It's amazing what this can do.

And yes, this is a long winded answer to your inquiry (perhaps I should post this on the blog?) but I'm not sure exactly what past life regression is...I chose to not take a stance other than it seems a great way for someone to get to know their mind better. Whether it is past life or the mind telling something important about one's self, well, it doesn't seem to matter.

In regards to Frank's story, K may have hit on some fear or idea about the fish nibbling at her and resolved it. Also, I think the idea about her brother being the town official and causing her demise was where forgiveness comes in. Past life regression teaches that you have life lessons to learn and people are with you from life to life so that you may grow (thus they play many roles). A regressionist with no experience other than taking people window shopping might allow for K to destroy her relationship with her brother; a more experience one will guide her to work through it, knowing this is a new life and one cannot move forward by holding onto the negatives. Does this make sense? I'm still on my first cup of coffee.

I can speak for Frank as being a regressionist who does guide people in forgiveness and learning. He is a Unity minister (the relgion that believe in past lives) and has much training in hypnosis, counseling, and regression. Perhaps I should make that clearer? I put it on the blog for such dialog as this (so thank you!) because I do think, if done well, regression can be really useful.

Monday, June 4, 2007

My Desk

For those who read the comments from yesterday's post, I was asked to post a picture of my desktop for Canary's blog on the subject. Interesting blog. It's at So, I thought, why not and am also posting it here. This is my desk at home. Usually there is a cat sitting in the window, but today she is camera shy.

So fellow blog enthusiast, feel free to post your desktop as well. Perhaps Canary will find yours enticing for the desktop blog.

Happy Monday.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Favorite Hypnotic Process

The Sunday question of the day is: what is your favorite hypnotic process. Is it regression, straight script work, ideometric responses, parts therapy, reframing or anything else?

You know, I always seem to ask about "favorites" and then I feel like swatting myself. The idea of a favorite is like categorizing oneself, and I am often loath to do so. One day I like one thing, another day I like something completely different.

So, not to total cop out of answering my own question, I'll say I like any process that is interactive between hypnotist and client. Response is good. And I think most hypnosis is this way, a constant intuitive process for the hypnotist that does engage the client.

And in my childish way, I think regression is my current favorite. I love the stories that come up. There is often a sense of wonder in the client as they tell their memory, and I always feel so honored to be the one hearing it. And when connections are made - that is so amazing to witness.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

My Esoteric Crush

Finally! It has happened, the thing I thought would never occur occurred.

Crush, the game, has been released for PSP (if only I were a gamer and PSP owner). Here's its scenario:

Crush tells the tale of Dan, a man haunted by his past and plagued with chronic insomnia, who is too tired to turn his life around. In pursuit of a cure, Dan turns to hypnosis as a means of sorting out the wreckage of his past.

So, here you go Terry, this is the game I mentioned a month or so ago. I think it owns a rightful spot on your site:)

Friday, June 1, 2007


I'm a bit miffed at the moment, so the coffee is bitter.

One of my hypno friends sent me an email. It seems that another hypnotist in her town mentioned that the requirements to be and maintain the status of a certified hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists is bogus. He says all he does is pay the dues. Apparently, he thinks this is just fine.

This irritates me on so many levels. When I went for my training to be certified, it never occurred to me that I could skip the process, nor have I personally found any evidence supporting his claim. And seriously, with the missions of the Guild and other such organizations, a big part of it is to try to bring a level of professionalism to the trade. Why would you even want to by pass those requirements? They make it fairly simple to get the necessary continuing education classes, so I don't get it.

Though I do believe the Guild may have a membership that isn't about certification or remaining so, maybe the guy in question has had that all along?